Flange guards

Protecting staff from projections is a legal obligation

As a MANAGER or Site Manager, you are responsible for the safety of your staff and the operations on site.
Leaks can happen at any time, and not just to other people.
A controlled leak also means savings, because you avoid damaging related installations. You concentrate discharges and eliminate splashes.
For more information, see our Blog article


How can we help ?

Operating pressure

The first criterion to take into account is the operating pressure of your installation.
If your pressure is very high, you must choose stainless steel protectors that are specially designed for these high stresses.
For lower pressures, the textile flange cover option is available.

Operating temperature

The second selection criterion is the operating temperature. The upper threshold for textile protectors is 260°C.
Above this temperature, only metal covers are possible.

Type of fluid

The third criterion is the nature of the fluid passing through your installation. Its level of danger – acid, base, concentration – determines the material with the best chemical resistance.

Labour regulations

Labour regulations require operators to assess the risks associated with the operation of their facilities.
It has to be said that the notion of leakage and the potential seriousness of the resulting injuries is often not taken into account to the full.
We all think that this type of accident never happens.

The installation of flange covers is strongly recommended when :
– installations are close to high-traffic areas
– the products used are highly dangerous, with chemical and/or thermal burns,
– the installations are next to electrical cabinets or sensitive installations.

Download our selection file.

Click on the link SELECTION GUIDE


Flange covers are used in a wide range of industries:

Water treatment
Steam generation
Heat transfer fluid
Oil mist
Oil and gas production
Offshore platform
Power generation
Pharmaceutical industry

Discover all our flange protection solutions
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Polyethylene Flange Guards

Polyethylene Flange Guards Leaks can happen at any time. Protecting personnel from splashes is a legal obligation. A controlled leak… Read more
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PVC flange guards

PVC FLANGE PROTECTORS PVC flange protectors are made from high-strength laminated PVC.
This is an ideal solution for medium… Read more
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ptfe coated glass flange guard

PTFE Coated Flange protectors PTFE coated  flange protectors offer unique resistance.
The PTFE treatment protects the glass fibre and… Read more
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Atex flange guards

Antistatic flange guards for Atex zones Antistatic flange guards are made of glass coated with high-strength laminated PTFE.
They… Read more

Textile flange protection

Quick and easy to install, this solution covers the widest range of applications.

Applications :
Water treatment
Mineral oil

Metal flange protection

When operating under pressure and temperature conditions, this is the ultimate protection.

Applications :
Thermo fluid
Oil mist

Custom curtain protection

The customised curtain can be used to protect an entire work area.

Applications :
High-traffic area

Flange guards Tech-Alp

Ensuring the safety of industrial installations through flange protection

In the field of industrial safety, flange protection plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the safety of equipment and preventing risks. Industrial safety components, such as flange safety systems, are designed to secure industrial equipment and reduce the risk of leaks of hazardous liquids.

Tailor-made flange protectors are specially adapted to the specific needs of each installation, in compliance with industrial safety standards. These devices are essential for preventing leaks and spills, minimising risks to the environment and worker safety.

As well as providing protection against leaks, flange security systems enhance the safety of industrial equipment by preventing unauthorised access and minimising the risk of sabotage or tampering.

Securing industrial equipment with flange covers helps to maintain a safe working environment that complies with current regulations. By investing in measures to prevent the risk of leaks and deploying appropriate safety devices, companies can prevent incidents and ensure the protection of people, installations and the environment.

In conclusion, the implementation of safety systems for flanges, valves and fittings, and the adoption of measures to prevent leaks, are essential elements of industrial risk management.
These initiatives demonstrate companies’ commitment to safety and environmental responsibility, while guaranteeing the continuity of industrial operations in a safe and protected environment.